5 Motivational Strategies for Exercising 2

It is easy to set a fitness resolution, isn’t it? Sticking to the workout plan is the key. If you are now giving up on exercising or lack of energy, hang in there! Here are some motivational strategies to keep you going. I apply all the following whenever I feel low power, trust me these strategies work!


1. Start with one push up

Or walk 500m. Or 20 jumping jacks. Done? Why not a few more push-ups? I’m sure you are feeling more warmed up now, continue with some squats? Maybe some crunches after that?

Still remember Newton’s first law of motion? Break the inertia and you will be in state of movement!


Keep Moving



2. Marathon is not a 42km run

The divide-and-conquer algorithm is best for tackling a marathon. Originally, the theory is to recursively break down a big problem into smaller problems, until they are simple enough to be solved directly. You think 42km is too hard? Divide it into 10 miniature runs. Focusing on just the next 4km will make it more manageable mentally; combine a few more trivial 4km runs and what? You complete the marathon!




3. Workout can be fun
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Running the 10km again and again, of course that is boring! But you can add some fun for it. Go outdoor, run a different route each time. Or make it like a treasure hunt – spot 15 different flowers, 10 cute dogs… . Otherwise, target on another runner who is just ahead of you – run pass her! Treadmill? Oh yes we are competing. No one to challenge? I’ll challenge myself. 2kg heavier for lifting, run faster than last run, I feel so good when I realize I can do better than last time!

Add some fun or challenges to your workout, you are creative enough.




4. The 11th rep counts

Assume you are lifting weights; do you always aiming at completing 10 reps? That’s good, but the actual breakthrough begins at the 11th rep. Same for all other workouts. You want results? Go extra miles.




5. Fitness is a change in lifestyle

Fitness plan is not just about losing weight or getting fit. Once you begin, you will workout, eat right, ditch the bad habits. It’s not something with an end date. No need to punish yourself if you fail to workout 1-2 days, or beat yourself up for bingeing on some chocolates. Occasionally a few bad days will not ruin your plan, vice versa!



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2 thoughts on “5 Motivational Strategies for Exercising

  • Miriam Pinto

    Break the inertia! great workout mantra 🙂
    Inspiring website SK – good luck as you make your way in life, and show us better way to do it too.

    • SK Post author

      Thank you Miriam for being supportive and your encouraging words!! (^_^) Every comment inspires me to keep this website going, thanks again!