It Is Alright To Be Different

Pareto’s Principle states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes, originally this was developed by Pareto who showed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population.

Pareto's PrincipleThis principle is so true as well in many of real life phenomena – in business 80% of the sales come from 20% of the customers; at workplace 80% of the work done by 20% of the staff; 80% of our behaviour is dictated by 20% of our emotions. Applying Pareto’s Principle from another angle – 20% of the students score better, 20% of us lead the others, 20% people speak up during a meeting and the rest keep quiet, 20% of music albums will be published and make money while most die down.. so many more examples.


That means – if you want to be the 20%, you are going to be different from 80% of the rest of the world. Your opinions are going to be different from most people; your attitude would not be the same as many others; what you wear / what you need to do / who you meet.. most of the time you will be different from others. Or, outcast.



Image courtesy of “Leader” by Boykung at

You choose a less travelled path. You make controversial decisions that others don’t agree with. You stand out rather than fit in. If you don’t want to be someone mediocre, average, standard, you need to have the gut to be distinct from others. You need to have the quality that only 20% of the people possess.

A lot of times I still have the internal struggles about how should I behave to mix well with others. I want to have good relationships with others, not to be viewed as someone always has her own ideas or challenges others. Till that one day I came across a line from the book “Relentless” by Tim Grover: When you’re the guy at the top, you show others how to act, you don’t drop down to their level. You command respect and make them measure up to your standards, not the other way around.

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That’s quite an aggressive statement but so true! Why do we drop our standard just to fit in? Now I feel less concerned about dressing up in office, speaking out in meetings, doing whatever I feel right rather than worrying what others would think.


Remind yourself that it is okay to think / behave / react differently, because you are on highway to excellence / happiness / contented life.


P/S: The examples used here are not statistical facts; the 80-20 ratio is used to show that Pareto’s Principle can be applied to many scenarios.


P/S 2: Pareto’s rule on world wealth distribution and this is an even more extreme example – top 1% population owns more than 50% of the world wealth (refer Guardian post). Wanna know how rich you are? Try this Global Rich List, you will feel so much more privileged.

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